Thursday, December 2, 2010

How to play games with files over 4GB on fat32. [tutorial]

okey, it has been tested on Uncharted 2 and works fine so far.

1) download
2) Extract and PSARC.exe to any folder.
3) Find any files more than 4Gb for example \PS3_GAME\USRDIR\build\main\pak22.psarc (5 596 444 529 byte)
4) Copy pak22.psarc into and PSARC.exe directory.
5) Extract pak22.psarc (just drag-n-drop pak22.psarc to PSARC.exe)
6) Now copy pak22 folder with extracted files to gamefolder \PS3_GAME\USRDIR\build\main\
7) Now you can delete pak22.psarc.
8) copy PS3_GAME folder with game to your external fat32 usb hdd GAMEZ\Uncharted2\
9) use backup manager to load game, should work fine.

well, probably you can play any game with files over 4GB.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How To Play Xbox360 Back-ups Online

How To Play Xbox360 Back-ups Online

DISCLAIMER: Although every effort is made to keep information accurate and safe, I will not take responsibility for any consequeces resulting from use of this guide. If you choose to play backups then you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK .
IsoHunt does not condone the downloading of copywritten material and this is also done at your own risk, should you decide to do so.
Do not ask me any questions about the actual modding of your console. IsoHunt is not a hack site and so the rules still apply Link to rules.
Lastly, if you have any questions ask within this thread. Do not PM me as I will just refer you back to this post and do not create new threads as they will most likely be locked.

I have been inaundated with questions on this subject so in order to save time I will cover this
subject via thread.

You will need the following:

A DVD Burner capable of burning to Dual Layer DVD

A DVD+R DL (dual layer) disk

A modded Xbox360 (Preferably latest mod but not essential)

A working online connection for the patching/verification process

abgx360 GUI (obtain setup file here ) Select mirror 1 under the OS relevent to you.

Image Burn Link here

Your Xbox360 back up image file with the .DVD file (this helps Image Burn place the layer break. If you dont have it abgx360 will automatically create it.)

PART 1 - Verifying and patching your Image File (Game back up) using abgx360 GUI

Download and install abgx360 GUI. Once installed, launch the program and select the Auto Fix tab.
On the Auto Fix tab change the Auto Fix Threshold to level 3. Also if you have an old mod on your xbox360,tick 'Adjust angle359 foriXtreme

Locate your 360 backup image file by clicking the small folder icon.
Once you have located the image file you want to patch, click 'open'.


You should then click 'Launch'



After selecting 'Launch' a pop up box will appear and begin verifying your image file.
You may see it find errors during this scan but this is normal and unimportant as abgx360
will auto fix these errors and patch your image file.
Once the scan is finished you will see the message 'All CRCs match - click any key to exit!'
This means your Image file was successfully patched.
If it says anything else then you have a bogus Image file and should seek a replacement. Bear in mind though that if your game backup isnt available in stores that abgx360 wont be able to patch it anyway. If thats the case wait untill the game is released before scrapping your image.


Side note: If abgx360 doesnt start scanning straight away, it means either the your internet
is disconnected or the servers are down. If it is the latter then try again later when the
servers are up and running.

PART 2 - Burning the Image File to disk using Image Burn

Open the Image Burn exe file and select 'Write image file to disk'


Now click the 'Browse for file' icon and open the .DVD file NOT the
Image file.


Ensure 'verify' and 'Test Mode are NOT ticked. Now change the write speed to 1x.
DO NOT be tempted to increase this speed. Img Burn will choose the optimal speed for itself.
Now insert a blank Dual Layer DVD disk and select the Disk Drive you intend to use and wait for the device to ready itself. Once this is done, click the newly available 'write to disk option'.


Img Burn will now burn the image file to the disk. Once it is at 100% percent Img Burn will
begin finalizing the disk. DO NOT eject the disk during this process otherwise your disk will not work.

Once complete you should have 1 playable Xbox LIVE compatible 360 game disk!!!

PART 3 - Stop reading and go play!!!!!

Enjoy Smile

(All software used in this guide is freeware. DO NOT be duped into paying for it)

This guide was made completely by myself (pacino23).


Advice Concerning Backups **VERY IMPORTANT**

A small word of advice concerning backups.
If the backup you have acquired is not available on the shelves DO NOT PLAY IT UNTILL RELEASE DAY.
This is very important and should not be ignored. If you do, you can and probably will be banhammered from Xbox LIVE.
This also includes playing offline as the game data is stored in the 360's cache. When you next go online Microsoft will be able to pick up on this.

Also it helps to pay attention to the region of the backup you have downloaded. If the game you want to play is out in America but not the UK, then it makes sense to download the American backup of that game.
That way you can play online or offline as that version is already on the shelves.

Another fairly obvious tip is to be discreet. DO NOT go around boasting on Xbox LIVE. There are fanboys and developers online and if they catch you talking about backups then you can kiss your account goodbye. So in other words dont be stupid and exercise common sense.

If you have any questions, ask them in this thread only. Do not PM or E-mail me on the subject as I will just refer you back here.

But if you do have questions please ask. If you dont understand something its better to ask here than get caught out online. Dont let ignorance get you into trouble.


EDIT - Please see the additional guide for Wave 4 games PAGE 3



EDIT - How To Play New Games Without Upgrading Your Console's Firmware PAGE 9

EDIT - What Firmware Do I Have? PAGE 9